onsdag 30 april 2014

Project DD - update 1

First and foremost, Project DD is still alive, but will probably not make the initial targeted release date which was this spring/summer. My ability to allocate hours to this project is very very limited for the moment and will so be for the next couple of months. But last weekend I managed to squeeze in a couple of hours which I am thankful for. As for how the project is progressing I have now settled on the app's overall architecture.
  • The "navigation drawer pattern" will be used for top level navigation. 
  • A main activity will act as the content frame for which UI fragments will be switched in and out.
  • App data will be powered by a sqlite database.
I am currently working on UI for displaying stats and information about a specific hero.
My idea here is to implement some sort of blur and a small parallax effect to a background image of the hero when the user scrolls (see screenshots below). I think it is a neat effect and suitable in this context.

No blur
Semi blur
Full blur

måndag 6 januari 2014

DotaUtils and Project DD

DotaUtils is a parsing and data extraction software tool I built for an upcoming Android project I have in mind (Project DD). Project DD is about to make the best companion app a player need for Dota 2 currently developed by Valve. Project DD will hopefully be released in the spring/summer 2014.