torsdag 31 maj 2012

Weather (Väder) App

Did a weather application for Android as a course project.
The data sources comes from


  • Swedish language
  • Live wallpaper
  • Widget
  • Weather notifications
  • Weather history
  • +more

onsdag 9 maj 2012

GraphPlotter Revisited

This is my second attempt on writing some piece of software that can visualize graph structures.
My first attempt was quite messy so this time around I'm using a force-directed layout algorithm for some good "layouting" of the graph. Graph Plotter 2.0 is definitively an improvement if you ask me :)

Note if you wanna try it out, that the graph is represented as a file, where the first line contains the number of nodes and each remaining line defines an edge.
For example.
0 1
1 2
2 3
3 4

Google Drive download link - Graph Plotter 2.0

GUI of Graph Plotter 2.0

fredag 4 maj 2012

My Travel Diary

I did a travel diary application for Android together with 6 other fellow students from Sweden as part of an "Intensive Programme - Local Based Services" project course sponsored by the European Union.

Our application have the following features:

    • You to take and publish pictures with comments to the pictures.
    • You can track your travel.
    • Share your trip via social connectivity.
    • Web page for friends, family, and other interested to follow your trip.